Specialist Dr. Eda TÜRE
Born in 1981 in Mersin, Dr. Dr. Eda TÜRE graduated from İçel Mersin Anatolian High School in 1999. He graduated from Fırat University Faculty of Medicine in 2007. He worked as an emergency physician in Çorum Alaca State Hospital between 2008-2009, where he was appointed as a State Service Coordinator. Between 2011-2014, he completed his Family Medicine Specialization in Mersin University Faculty of Medicine, Family Medicine Branch. Between 2014-2017, he worked as the Chief Physician and Hospital Manager at Sinop Türkeli State Hospital. Appointed to İlkadım TSM in November 2017, Dr. Dr. Eda TÜRE started to work as Assistant Chief Physician at Samsun Training and Research Hospital as of December 2017.
1979 yılında Samsun'da doğdu.İlk Orta ve Lise öğrenimini Samsun'da tamamladı. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi'nden 2001 yılında mezun oldu.İlk görev yeri Ardahan'dan sonra 2004 yılında Ladik Devlet Hastanesi'nde göreve başladı.Ladik Devlet Hastanesi'nde 2006-2008 yılları arasında Başhekim yardımcılığı , 2009 yılı Başhekimlik görevlerini yürüttü.2015 yılında Kavak Devlet Hastanesi Başhekimliği görevine başladı. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Sağlık Yönetimi Bölümünde Yüksek Lisansını yaptı. 23.01.2018 tarihinden itibaren, SBÜ Samsun Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi'nde başhekim yardımcılığı görevini yürütmektedir.Evli ve iki çocuk babasıdır.
Dr. Erdoğan ÇOLAK1972 Yılında Rize'de doğdu.1998 yılında Samsun 19 Mayıs Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesini bitirdi.1998-2015 yılları arasında 16 yıl Artvin ili Şavşat ilçesi devlet Hastanesi Başhekimliğini yürüttü.2015-2017 yılları arasında Ardahan İli Kamu Hastaneleri Genel Sekreterliğini yürüttü. 2017 yılında Samsun İli 19 Mayıs İlçe Devlet Hastanesine atandı.15.02.2018 tarihinde Samsun Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesinde Başhekim Yardımcısı olarak çalışmaya başladı Evli ve 3 Çocuk babasıdır.
Dr.Selçuk KILIÇ
was born in Bafra in 1974. He completed Primary, Secondary and High School in Bafra. He graduated from Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine in 1998. He graduated from the Hospital and Health Institutions Management Master's program in 2014.
-1999-2003 Samsun Health Education Center Doctor, -2003-2004 Ankara Gendarmerie Hospital Doctor,
Samsun Health Education Center Chief Physician,
-Samsun Provincial Health Directorate Inpatient Treatment Services Branch Doctor between 2005-2006 Between 2006-2007 ,
Samsun Provincial Health Directorate Inpatient Treatment Services Branch Directorate,
- Between 2007-2010 Samsun Provincial Health Directorate Deputy Director,
-Assistant Physician of Bafra State Hospital between 2010-2011, -Assistant Physician of
Samsun Provincial Health Directorate
between 2011-2012, -Atakum District Health Directorate
between 2012-2016, -Deputy of Samsun Provincial Health Directorate between 2016-2017,
-2017- Between 2019, he worked as a Physician at Samsun Provincial Health Directorate.
He has been working as the Deputy Chief Physician of SBU Samsun Training and Research Hospital since December 2019. He is married and has two children.
Dr.Şeref DOĞAN
was born in 1979 in Bayburt.
After completing his primary, secondary and high school education in Bayburt, he started Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine in 1997.
In 2020, he completed his master's degree in OMU Health Institutions Management.
He started to work in Bayburt Central Health Center in 2004.
After his military service in 2005, he served as Asarcık Health Group President and Bafra State Hospital Emergency physician.
After working in a private hospital for 5 years between 2009-2014, he returned to public service and worked as a physician at Samsun 112 Command and Control Center between 2014-2018.
Between 2018-2021, he worked as the Deputy Chief Physician at Samsun Mental Health Hospital.
He has been working as an assistant chief physician in our hospital since July 2021.
Specialist Dr. Hatice SELÇUK KUŞDERCIHe was born in Alaca in 1979. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Alaca. He studied at Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Medicine between 1996-2002. Between 2002-2006, he worked in Alaca state hospital emergency department. 2006-2012 He received his specialization in the department of anesthesiology and reanimation at Omu medical school. In 2012, he started to work at Adıyaman University and Training and Research Hospital, which is a compulsory service post. Between 2013 and 2015, he worked as a clinical administrative specialist. In 2015, he transferred to Bandırma state hospital. He started to work as an anesthesia and reanimation specialist in our hospital since October 2019.
In 2021, our hospital was appointed as the Deputy Chief Physician.
Specialist Dr. Hülya ATMACA