SBU Samsun Training and Research Hospital Emergency Service is the biggest and busiest Emergency Service of our city. It provides 24-hour uninterrupted service in an area of 2800 square meters.
Ministry of Health with its Green Area Polyclinics, Trauma Examination Area, Yellow and Red Areas, Resuscitation (reanimation) Area, Observation Rooms, Emergency Laboratory, Injection and Dressing Rooms, Computed Tomography, X-Ray, Isolation Room, CBRN Unit and Training Hall. It is an Emergency Service defined as Level 3.
In addition to a doctor's staff consisting of an Emergency Medicine Associate Professor, 1 Emergency Medicine Chief Assistant, 13 Emergency Medicine Specialists, 13 Research Assistants and 3 Practitioners, it provides services with 26 nurses, 15 health officers, 10 Emergency Medicine Technicians, 24 secretaries and 26 assistant health personnel. In our emergency department, which has the equipment and facilities for all kinds of emergency interventions, patients are followed up on a total of 32 stretchers, 24 of which are monitorized.